Dear James Beard Foundation,

Martha and some looker doing what we love to do – drink Champagne.

While we adored commenting on the JB Awards this past Spring, we are terribly sad that we weren’t invited to Chefs & Champagne.  Martha Stewart’s blog about the affair has me crying in my poor man’s mocha this AM (to those not in the know, that’s Swiss Miss + coffee) about missing it – it was all champagnes and wines and some tent and then you’re kinda near the beach!  Oh, James Beard Foundation, please don’t forget us again!



9 thoughts on “Dear James Beard Foundation,

  1. I AM GUTTED. GUT. TED. Does anyone love champs or Martha more than we? NO NO ONE DOES. Oh, JB Foundation, we thought you cared.

  2. Maybe there will be another one around Halloween, because that might be the one thing that is better. I am already impatiently awaiting her Halloween issue.

  3. When the skinny, starving, poor people find out what you been doing, watch out Chefs & Champagne and watch out Martha! They will hold you accountable for your excess.

    This is shut up foodies?
    Why the heck aren’t you telling theses excessive, obnoxious morons to shut up? Cor and blimey!

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