Teach a child to fish…

It begins with:

When I was seven, my family moved from suburban California to rural Idaho.   In an effort to embrace Northern Idaho culture, my dad took me fishing at a lake near our house.   I was really excited.

Mostly because I thought that I would get to keep the fish I caught as a pet.

Please continue reading the entire entry entitled “How a fish almost destroyed my childhood” at Hyperbole and a Half.  Ohhh, you will be as pleased as I was.

When A Dish Goes Out Of Style

The last sardine cannery in the U.S. has shut down. That’s a lot of jobs. It’s interesting that despite many years of popularity, the sardine population remains robust. Sardines are also a mega-healthfood, rich in Omega 3, B12, and other good things, but low enough on the food chain that they won’t have much mercury. There is, of course, a foodie sardine blog but I guess it wasn’t enough to turn the tide. I’m sure the laid-off cannery workers can go work in a macaron factory or something.—Snacktime