Holy crap you guys I was googling “sad eater” to find a funny photo for your amusement to go with the post about Eater (.com) being sad, and SAD EATER IS A THING.
It means “Standard American Diet.” This lady is married to a SAD EATER and it’s hard on her relationship. From a post titled “Big Lesson About Married to a SAD EATER:
I have only been raw for a little over 1 year and a half- I have been married for 17 yrs. It’s been weird for my husband-he sometimes does not understand why I am doing this.
I am not even preachy-I don’t tell people why they should eat this way (unless THEY want to know). He even told me that he is tired of hearing about how bad soda is..etc.. He’s even ‘wondering’ if we would be together if I would have been raw back then. WOW I am shocked that he would say that to me!! I have not forced this on him, or my family.. I am just being me!! All of this really caught me off guard–I love him dearly but dang it! He needs to understand that this is what I am about. I guess he thought I would try it and stop-nope-that’s not going to happen!
Dang it! She does not sound preachy at all.
There’s stuff like this all over. It mostly seems to be something raw foodists use to describe those who haven’t seen the uncooked light. There are lots of blog posts and forum threads devoted to the wacky dumbass things that the unenlightened SAD EATERS. (I know it’s not supposed to be all caps but it just feels right, doesn’t it?)
It’s sort of like the SAD EATERS are like the Germans on “Hogan’s Heroes”–bumbling, genial NAZIs who are endearing but nevertheless have sworn their allegiance to Hitler. I think my favorite is “SAD Eaters Say the Darndist Things” (sic), a thread on a raw food website created by someone named “svelte.” (I know) The topic is 12 pages long. (I KNOW)
However, this is pretty mindblowing. It was posted on GiveItToMeRaw.com by someone named “MissChanandlerBong” (I know) with the following description:
I just wanted to show you guys a little scenario of what happens when I try to explain raw food and it’s benefits to my friends and others who thinks raw foodism is ridiculus. In this video the man represents me and the goat represents my friends and co.
Again–totally not preachy and self-righteous! So weird that they have not converted everyone to the exaltation of raw food because if obviously does not turn people into total jerks. But this isn’t a stance particular to raw foodists, as SUF readers know–it’s a not-that-extreme example of foodie elitism and the ridiculousness of calling on individual fortitude while ignoring a systemic problem, an attitude which is all too common, SADly.
Note: I got so sucked into the SAD EATER world that I didn’t even get to the whole “Crying While Eating” movement. I urge you to explore it for yourself.
Yargh! It’s almost painful to read those smug raw foodist comments. It adds to the pain of living in Portland, Oregon, among the militant vegans. Can’t we all just get along and eat different things?
Well, all those charts certainly cleared things up… on to the calorie restrictors?