Despite our “in” last year, The Beard Foundation has awarded Ruth Bourdain a grand dame humor writing award. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Ruth Bourdain
Are RuBo & Meatball the same person!?
I tweet, therefore I am.
But if food is worth eating, it’s worth thinking about, and if it’s worth thinking about, it’s worth saying, and saying well. Even on Twitter. Now excuse me while I think of something deep to say about the fried chicken I just ate.
– From Time’s coverage on Tweeting, by Josh Ozersky, highlighting Ruth Reichl
This guy, who says he normally prefers tweets from ESPN and Jezebel – and is a self-described gastronome (peep his bio), really needs to get clued into Ruth Bourdain. He’d probably have more fun with her 140 characters rather than be “bored to tears” by Ms. Reichl.
Ruth Bourdain’s Heart of Darkness
It’s like we’re one and the same, Ruth Bourdain.
Ask RuBo Your Own Fucking Questions
ruthbourdain: I’ve turned on the “ask me a question” feature. Ask away.
I rarely, if ever, reblog anything, as the three of us have dedicated much of ourselves to generating original posts, but this is worth it.
Skin crisp, golden. Almost Snooki-hued. So crisp. Flesh soft like Emeril’s thighs, sweet, slick, fragrant. And crisp. Great roast chicken