Shut Up Placentavores

Yeah.  You know what that is.

Alternet has a great article on the disgusting subject of eating your own placenta!  They even break it down for you with an avid description:

For those who haven’t seen one, a human placenta is kind of a slimy hunk of medium pizza-sized, membrane-wrapped bloody flesh.

So, I wonder if the chowdown of placenta is anti-vegan?  Is it anti-vegetarian?  Is it cannibalism?   They say it’s like liver.  Another quotable:

“My friend ate her placenta in a blueberry smoothie,” said a guy in back. 

Well, that puts the Jamba in my Juice!  Perhaps the chef that took his wife’s breastmilk and made it into cheese would be interested in creative placenta concoctions?  I can’t wait to never hear about this again!  Yay!